Written Weeklies

Written Weeklies are Codemmunity's weekly programming/coding challenges that users work together (or alone) to complete!

Join the current weekly!
codemmunity oriented

Build amazing projects for fun, and portfolios!

Each week, you'll be given a prompt to complete! Whether in a team, or solo, your creative and unique takes on the weekly prompts will be showcased on our Discord and Website!

Read about the current prompt
Head to the bottom of the page to begin!
Join a team / Start coding
Visit our Discord to join or form a team!
Submit your project!
Using Github and Google forms!

How to Join

We encourage everyone to join, even if you don’t know how to code! Master or novice, everyone is welcome to join! We even have a #find-a-team text channel dedicated on Discord to help form teams!
Make sure you’re a part of the Codemmunity Discord! There, you’ll find tons of information, others working on the Weekly, help channels, and more! 
Make sure you read the Official Info document linked at the bottom of this page to see everything you need to know about this week’s project.

Write your code / program that fits the theme! Take it any direction you want, with any method!

We accept many types of submissions! Upload raw code, programs, works in progress, etc. Be creative, and try to take the prompt in directions we would have never expected!

Talk with the community for any help or ideas along the way. Help others when they have questions, and support one another! You can also form or find a team using our #find-a-team channel on Discord!

Learn all about the current Written Weekly!

Click the link below to read about the current Written Weekly and get started!

Get Started!